We Can Write It Down...
Or Obliterate It

2003-06-30 - pain and memory
2003-06-29 - Horoscopes....
2003-06-29 - Just you
2003-06-27 - Almost lost it
2003-06-26 - Leaving
2003-06-26 - birthday
2003-06-25 - Boobage
2003-06-24 - Stories...
2003-06-23 - three pennies and a sheep
2003-06-21 - wedding rain
2003-06-20 - be over.
2003-06-19 - Flattered.
2003-06-18 - vent... and blue
2003-06-18 - Not much
2003-06-17 - blister
2003-06-16 - Amember me
2003-06-15 - Clear
2003-06-14 - tonight
2003-06-12 - stepping lightly over paths of green
2003-06-12 - Poppycock
2003-06-11 - a month
2003-06-10 - I must.
2003-06-10 - exceed
2003-06-08 - Bloody Sunday
2003-06-07 - want want want
2003-06-06 - travel
2003-06-06 - Secret smiles
2003-06-05 - Better view.
2003-06-04 - Beauty's downfall
2003-06-03 - Stare me cold.
2003-06-02 - sneaky buggars
2003-06-01 - Redbull
"We said we must be friends or die... we've died a thousand times since then."