Better view. 2003-06-05 9:27 p.m.

Tonight's entry is brought to you by a brand new pc...

One of the perks of living with a computer man is he can build a new pc should yours decide to stroke on you constantly... It didn't take him long and I wonder what it'll cost me... I am still adjusting to the Fisher-price like interface, I think I could live without.... meh... I like the comforts of my old one, but I am very greatful for all the new memory... and for the speed. I need a new monitor now and a new chair and I am good to go.

I am still feeling like a train wreck... and I discovered that I can't take any amount of ib profen. I used to get a small red splotch on my right cheek... everytime I took an advil... and with every one the splotch got larger... yesterday I took Motrin to ease my pain and my right eye was swollen, almost shut, for about an hour. Medicinal allergies are progressive... and I know this.... I know I am allegeric to asprin and I codeine and I really do know better than to fuck with that type of allergy... but some days I think shock might be better than the pain. Dumb logic... I know but be in pain and see how well you do with reason.

My roommate went out in the afternoon, and bless her, she brought me home some tylenol. It's small gestures like that that help me through.

I made it to work... and it was difficult... all around hard. I am slipping back to a place I hate... I keep telling myself I am better than this... but I can't control fate that way.

I am prone to sickness... to depression... I am the queen of pain... and you'd think with ever go it would get a little easier... but reality just gets harder to fake.

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