We Can Write It Down...
Or Obliterate It

2003-05-31 - someone else
2003-05-31 - waiting song
2003-05-29 - lines
2003-05-28 - Hangman
2003-05-28 - How dreams remind me
2003-05-27 - Go
2003-05-27 - drepessed.
2003-05-26 - bolts missing
2003-05-25 - Requited
2003-05-24 - ramble
2003-05-22 - to say the least
2003-05-21 - back to work
2003-05-20 - Reloaded CRAP
2003-05-20 - 19 hours long and strong
2003-05-17 - planted strong
2003-05-16 - kids
2003-05-15 - wind down
2003-05-14 - I do think
2003-05-12 - sum
2003-05-10 - home again
2003-05-08 - through
2003-05-07 - Dolores....
2003-05-07 - I wish she wasn't.
2003-05-06 - down
2003-05-05 - night
2003-05-04 - Frivolous
2003-05-04 - stuffy and excited.
2003-05-02 - bother
2003-05-02 - lose
"We said we must be friends or die... we've died a thousand times since then."