We Can Write It Down...
Or Obliterate It

2003-05-01 - anxiety
2003-04-30 - walking alone
2003-04-30 - shadow
2003-04-29 - anaimia
2003-04-28 - Someday
2003-04-28 - reminded
2003-04-27 - end
2003-04-26 - two weeks
2003-04-25 - Up to here....
2003-04-24 - Camers, pictures, thoughts and saddness.
2003-04-23 - Fight at all costs
2003-04-22 - Sun punches
2003-04-21 - chord
2003-04-20 - Bunnies
2003-04-19 - words
2003-04-18 - projects and lay overs.
2003-04-17 - vinyl banners anyone?
2003-04-16 - Andy
2003-04-16 - in kindness
2003-04-15 - holes
2003-04-14 - Arthritic
2003-04-13 - To which
2003-04-12 - No.
2003-04-11 - Think about it...
2003-04-11 - in comfort
2003-04-10 - spiders
2003-04-10 - at the end
2003-04-09 - turning leaves
2003-04-08 - enough
2003-04-07 - Plain to See
2003-04-07 - Stifle
2003-04-06 - Itchy Nose
2003-04-06 - Previous/Next
2003-04-05 - time
2003-04-05 - stopped
2003-04-03 - as bricks or disease
2003-04-02 - winter aches on my muscles and my soul
2003-04-01 - gifts
2003-04-01 - Thirst.
"We said we must be friends or die... we've died a thousand times since then."