A Valentine's note. 2004-02-12 9:17 p.m.

~Put this in your diary.

Someone who doesn't know you well, (obviously) asked me what your appeal was. They said they didn't see it. I know that doesn't matter to you, but it bothered me, maybe even shocked me. I've known you for years and your appeal has always been so obvious, I couldn't imagine anyone questioning it, or questioning me about it. It was kind of hard to pinpoint exactly what it is that drew me in particular. I have thought hard.

You are the classic beauty. Other than this one person, I don't know that anyone could walk into a room you're in and deny that. You have a Hepburn quality about you. Soulful eyes, a stunning smile. This isn't a schoolboy crush talking, I'm really over that, but as a friend, this is really what I think.

You smell good. (Stopping grinning, you do) and expensive Italian perfume reminds me of you.

You have a nice voice. It's small, soft when it needs to be but it's easy by your voice to read your mind.

You're body is so perfect and yet so flawed. You have everything and still struggle with it. But you're confident, and proud, and you walk standing as tall as you can with scars, a limp, wild hair and a life of you call your "war" on your sleeve. How can the world not love that?

You're honest. Sometimes brutally, but always honest. You're so caring. Incredibly caring, and when you like or love, we know it. You don't judge, you listen well, and you are the smartest, most widely lived girl I think I might ever meet.

You probably know this, but I haven't told you, and I wanted to for Valentines and because I don't know, with all my traveling days, when I'll get the chance to.

I know I am not the only to think so, so ask others if you don't believe me, what it is they like best about you. I think you suffer a little of low-esteem(Yes, I know, funny coming from me)and I know that from how you make fun of yourself all the time, believe on the inside what you make us believe on the out.

A great kid like you should.

I guess that one lonely soul will have to trust me I say there is nothing ordinary about you, contrary to what she might believe.

So happy Valentines Day, friend.~

You're right... how people feel about me or don't, won't greatly affect my life. But thank you, Friend, for the kind words... it's nice to know I have one faithful admirer. For everything you said of me, I could of you. Happy Valentine's Day to you.

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