Swimsuit please. 2003-02-25 8:36 p.m.

And in the misery of it... I noticed that the infamous black bikini is dying...

It's almost see through... partly because I wear it constantly... regardless of the weather.... I've always been that way.

So, in my silliness I sent out an sos to every girl I know... I've never bought by own bikini before.... I have no idea where to begin. Least of all in this city.

So I am prepared as any true Amanda is... to spend my last penny on the perfect fit... I figure the next one I buy will be after kids and I might decide then that baring all is not such a good thing.

I really want to go home this spring or summer and I know that I am going to wilt in Montr�al's heat... I'll want to drag out one of the boats and spend the afternoon on the river... or steal a swim in a neighbour's pool.

I miss the availability of a hot tub and warm pool water... the weightlessness when my body needs it... when I crave the serenity...

Indoor pools don't work well for me.

So I want to be prepared.... start looking, shopping and fitting now... I might have to go to Edmonton... *laugh*

I am honestly not anticipating a great find in this part of the woods... I mean really, for what reason would you need a bikini here?

Ideas, suggestions and shop-online websites are completely welcome... and appreciated.

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