fatigu� 2002-03-12 6:11 p.m.

Pulled down by extreme fatigue again... I haven't felt this tired since.... well yesterday... but generally I was doing well - until last week... until the March sprung her weary head upon us... with no mercy.

I started into my regular routine again.. meaning a routine I was in during highschool.. and through college... and pretty much up until I found out I needed surgery. Various stretching exercises... and stuff.. only this time NO running...

I can't believe how weak I am.. I used to do an insane number of sit ups a day... along with all else to keep everything in place.. and I've been taking it what I thought was slow at 100 for the last few nights...

I think I unleashed the hammers of hell upon me... They are banging on the inside wanting out.

It feels like post-op... without the bruising... the stitches and the welts... CANNOT be good.

My advice... never let anyone near your tummy with a knife...

A year later... I am still trying to feel better.

I just can't win this life.

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