Job sucks 2003-09-12 10:51 p.m.

I need a way to feel better... to be better... and I am not sure what road to walk...

I need life-change... job change... I hate the environment I work in. The dumb fucks. I am NOT the kind of girl who can grin and bear it.

I came home and screamed tonight about them... one in particular... I ranted for a long time... and I don't feel better for it.

I am a strong believer in KNOWING what you get paid to do, and it's a shame I am one of FEW where I work who does.

One girl... with a computer job says "So the jpeg... that would be the one with the picture thingy beside it?"

Or... "Last time, this card was run the water was purple... now it's blue. The colour is wrong. It has to be rerun {Insert huffs of distaste here}."

Shut up! Stop wasting my time like that ALL day long. I am a busy girl... what colour is water in YOUR world, for fuck's sake?! I am the graphics girl... you let ME worry 'bout the colour of the water and you stick to figuring out what the "thingy" is for a jpeg... OK?!

"Amanda.... no comma goes there... there is no need to put a comma in a sentence that runs on longer than Terry Fox's trek across Canada. You don't put commas where you'd take a break, you just take one."

Yeah, I mean what would a journalism graduate know? I didn't sit for two years in writing and grammar classes by any means. She didn't get past grade 9... and she's trying to teach me punctuation.

Ordinarily I'd find this funny... but it really just annoys the piss out of me.

I wanna stand up and scream... you can't manage me if you don't know fuck all about what I do... you can't criticize what you don't know... and you CERTAINLY cannot sit on your thrown and dictate to a room full of people who have been here longer and know more about printing than you do. Point finale.

Besides which... none of the above is what she gets paid to do. Bookkeeper... that's right. That word has two o's, two k's and two e's all in a row and those commas and apostrophes belong where they are. And, in this country we spell out ALL numbers under ten. We can also start a sentence with "and" now. It isn't the 50s anymore. So eat me.


Jesus, Malcolm... I want to rent a time machine and zip either forward or backward... to a time when the Lyndas are contained to a single seat in a single room... somewhere not in Grande Prairie.

I am frustrated... I want to quit... not because of her... she's just my pet peeve... the rest of it is much worse.

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