Sixfeet over 2003-08-31 10:36 p.m.

That's an interesting idea... the white light of death being the light of life instead.

Having no religious ties... and few thoughts on where I am going when I die, I am open to hear anything...

The concept of reincarnation is something I take better to than walking around puffy white clouds all in white. I rarely wear white and even in death I don't intend to begin.

I agree that many babies look old... in fact I distinctly remember a child named Maggie who was frighteningly mature for an infant. She was wise. And old enough to understand she was different, I was afraid of her. It might have been that at five months old she was starting to speak... but her eyes... were truly the windows to a soul much older than she was.... and holding her on my lap and listening to her small breath and she leaned her tiny head on my shoulder... I remember thinking for a moment that she was indeed someone who had lived fully before.

And I never thought much about it again until tonight.

"It is not uncommon for a family member to die when a new baby is born."

I can't be a judge how true or untrue that statement is... I have experienced far more death than life... but I know it's common tale, at least... almost folklore.

I have a friend with cancer... and he has an unborn son. So... it makes me wonder... is baby meant to replace his father's exsistance? To carry on a legacy he knows nothing of? Does that mean my friend isn't going to survive this? Which would I want to believe?

And say for agrument the end of birth and the end of life are one. The light people claim they see if all of the same... what then of the time in the womb? Is that to say a child has no soul until he's born? Until death allows him to live? That would be a wonderful weapon for pro-choice, wouldn't it.

And what of the near-death experience? Are those the children that never survived birth? Children like my twin.

And does the soul being passed have to be relative... or can it belong to someone the family doesn't know?

It's a good thought though...

And I know life and death are very much one in the same.... in the circle of things...

I know nothing ever really has an answer... it's just taken a lot of living to realize it.

Inspired by zenoftao

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