ring 2003-07-13 12:25 p.m.

We used the tickets Trevor gave me for Theory of a Deadman... for no other reason than they were free...

I invited our roommate to come with us hoping she could a ticket at the door... and we stood there long in line so she could... But we were misled believing by the time we were at the front that the show sold out.

My boyfriend gave his ticket to her and went home... no more than five minutes later we made it passed the card check.... and to the ticket booth when a a guy says to K. "I need an extra ticket but I can't buy one, so can I give you money for yours and YOU can buy one?" The girl at the till with the stamp nods... tries to explain the logic not even there and I asked if I could get him a ticket... No, but I could BUY one and save mine for him...

So he came anyway... later, once the show began.

I couldn't stand all night, so I asked a girl if I could have two seats from their table... sure.... and not even a half an hour after one of the guys sitting there was trying hard buy us drinks... we lost and let him... thanked him... didn't say much... he sat a little behind me and passed me and probably passed me 4 or 5 times while rubbing one hand up my right thigh on his way out... along my knee and up my left on his way back... over my knees again... I didn't say anything... I knew when Blair showed up he'd soon change his mind...

He passes me on his way out and rubs his hands intentionally down my shoulders to the base of my back and over around my waist... I looked at him, and I am sure he knew that wasn't ok... mouthed a quick "sorry it's crowded" and just then... my boyfriend appears... HA! the guy never returned the whole night.

It never fails at the bar for me... not long after I show... meandering hands find my body...

My next laugh was a guy who stood in front of me and decided to dance... for me? I am not sure... I think he was just fucked and wasn't sure what he was doing... and it took him a moment to realize I had a man's arm around me... he shook Blair's hand and introduced himself.... asked if I was Blair's fiancee... and shook my hand telling me Blair is a good guy. Because after one drunken hand shake, a strange man would know.

He continued to introduce me to a guy with a J name... said "he isn't much of a lay, but Hunny, he sure is CUTE!"... apparently immediately forgetting I am taken... and don't really care.

Oddities ended shortly there after.

The show... might have been ok... I am not sure. The venue so absolutely HORRIBLE that after the first opening band, no one could hear a fucking thing.... and my ears are still ringing.

My legs are burning from standing on the bars of my stool to see... such an unnatural stance for such a beaten body...

Afterwards we went to my favourite poutine place for a real poutine and a steamy and then home to shower and fall into our bed.

I slept until noon... and I feel fine except for the aching in my ears and legs....

In other news... my hair is short and blonde... I am not sure why I get possessed to do these things... but I do now and then.

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