Cameron 2003-02-10 6:26 p.m.

I met the lovliest baby boy today...

He melted me....

I didn't hold him.... for reasons unknown I am not big on holding babies... as Blair points out, it might be an insecurity I am otherwise unaware of. Besides which, Blair looked much too cute cuddling him to pull the baby away.

I am much happier touching his face and tickling his toes just the same.

But birth and the whole concept of life within awes me. The beauty of a brand new face to the world is so astounding, I can't give words and make them what's it's worth.

I am not even his mother... but imagine. Imagine taking what you've harboured for so long... taking him into your arms, kissing him and breathing him for the first time.

In all his glory and all his perfection. Imagine, even for a moment just how Godly that must be.

And I wanted to melt just watching Blair with his arms around him....

It's incredible how perfect new can be.

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