Sundays are missed. 2003-01-24 8:55 p.m.

You're like every boy I have ever loved and looked up to, in one steady frame... only there isn't anything I dislike about you, that's disatisfied me... hurt me... or made me hate.

I would have loved to read all we wrote - years ago and you to me the other day... and maybe soon you'll get the time and urge to reiterate... if not for any other reason than for old time's sake.

I've thought long about our friendship, it's always on my mind... it's the most beautiful thing I own... and truth have it, I wouldn't give you up for anyone....

Everyday I see more of my many loves.

I miss you hugely... and sometimes I think it's missing you and the strength you bring me that keeps me sick...

We amaze me... at least you do, anyway.

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