Monograph 2002-07-24 7:08 p.m.

I sat for five hours in Emergency today... Blair sat with me. He didn't have to, but still he did.

I chose eight months ago to live drug free. Some goals, though noble, aren't fesible in the least.

And this time, the monograph reads:

Baclofen is useful for the alleviation of signs and symptoms of spasticity resulting from multiple sclerosis, particularly for the relief of flexor spasms and concomitant pain, clonus, and muscular rigidity. Patients should have reversible spasticity so that baclofen treatment will aid in restoring residual function.

For whatever that means, I'll take it. I'll take the crazies and the weight gain. I'll take the sleepiness, clumsiness... the mood swings...

I'll take it all, if it takes the pain.

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