Back to work Blues 2002-07-22 8:23 a.m.

My morning sucks already, and I haven't been up an hour.

I went to have a shower... and the rod fell... I am too short to fix it... too nice to wake Blair up to... so I got water everywhere... meh whatever. i could have used the OTHER shower, but that would have made sense. I don't the majority of the time.

My blowdryer crapped on me. Not the end of the world, it was shitty but it's dead and I am going to mourn it's death a little while anyway.

And the cake for me this morning... all is ok when you slip on your favourite undies to start the day.... The hem is unravelled all along the front left side. GRRRRRRRRRRRR... nice pretty red microfibre super low rise... kinda what I need for my waistless lowrise jeans... so I have two choices... live with the sting and itch of the elastic snapping me all day... or choke it up and wear another pair of undies I hate... that piss me off... and I have to roll down eight miles to feel comfortable in.

I went with the latter...

Jesus, i am bitchy today.

So my hair is wet... and thus will be funky... my face is oddly a zit bomb... my legs hurt... my undies are ruined...

And I have to face the horrors of last week... of all the things that went wrong I wasn't there to fix. Joy. I've been anticipating this since I know what the issues will be.... and I'll have a heap on my desk taller than I am to get through before lunch.

My boss better give us the civic holiday... cuz by the third, I swear I am gonna need it.

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