Last bow to the banshee Queen and King. 2002-07-09 9:00 a.m.

Mum called the other day to tell me I "missed the banshee" with Ian. *laugh*

It seems he has found a younger, cuter version... and feels it's time to let his wild fanatasy of our wedded union die.

So relieved!

I don't know how much of that joke was serious.... but it lasted for years...

He's cute, sweet, halrious and very everything anyone would want... except me... and maybe at a different time in my life... in a different life altogether... his fanatasy could have been real.

White dress... good food... Ian and I... on the banshee.... Happily ever... in the moment and beyond.

A scene right out of Deliverence....

Thankfully culture... and the need NOT to be all my hometown has become... has saved me.

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