Nappies 2002-07-04 7:16 p.m.

Babies... babies and more babies...

I have six friends expecting babies within the year. A definite sign that the times are changing... that we've grown up... however relative that is.

I never thought some of these people would ever have kids... perhaps I am ill-prepared for my friends becoming parents.

Though I am really happy for them all... especially excited about Kirk and Christina.. since it's one baby we'll be close enough to know right from the start...

Children... i want them... someday... definitely. But i wonder when and if I can endure.

I... being solely responsible for another life... eternally.

It's a hard visual.

In other news... I am learning html... for a number of reasons... I drew the symbols to the left ages ago... and only now have had the patience to make it work.

Please, if anything looks wonky or off to you, let me know. Cheers.

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