water dressed in brown 2002-07-02 8:53 a.m.

It's the simplest things in this life that comfort me...

The taste of perfect tea and oatmeal cookies first thing in the morning... the smell of my boyfriend's neck as he kisses me good bye for the day... the way my hair falls the wrong way across my forehead... and won't dare to make the journey properly to the other side.

the simplest things...

Even the mess in the kitchen made me smile today... where any other day it might make me uneasy, I grinned this morning and thought hmmmmmm... this is our mess.

I decided to battle winds this morning... walk against gusts up to 70 k... strong enough to blow me wherever it cares to take me... but still I don't mind.

I was reminded last night of beautiful people.... of the people who instilled the kindness I bear day in and out... the same kindness I spoke about earlier that often goes unappreciated and unnoticed. I was reminded about those who taught me how to be happy and how the the small things are truly big... and the big, irrelevant to life as a whole.

I was reminded that the comforts of those who made you are there no matter how far you stray from home.

The people who knew you when... know you always.

The simplest things keep me warm.

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