I'll Rant and I'll Roar 2002-04-14 10:42 p.m.

We live in a beautiful country don't we? Maybe the best in the world? I dunno.. haven't been much outside of it, but I've seen 80% of it more than twice, so that has to count as a credible opinion...

The Junos were good... really good, you know, but I was sadly disappointed about how much of it seemed to be a popularity contest.

Don't get me wrong... Nickleback is a fine band, but Canada has MUCH finer talent then the likes... actually... Nickleback is an example of one our bands sounding more and more American.

Which just makes me wanna scream...

"Lukey's boated is painted green!!!"

Ahaha Me boys... It's those little things that get me.

A little more into my editorializing... it was nice to see David Usher looking like a man for a change.... I wasn't thrilled that our country thinks he's talented without the TALENT of his band... but you know, I am still a little jaded that he's only been putting out CRAP lately... I can't always get what i want...

My childhood was all about Canadian music... Tragically Hip, Moist, early Philospher Kings, Gumbo, See Spot Run, Tea party, Sloan, IME, OLP before they started to suck... UHHHHGGGG and yes, even the very arrogant, very unimpressionable, very tall and very smelly Edwin. It almost gaged me to shake the man's hand, but if I have to give him credit... he is definately of his own kind...

And yes, I am aware I missed a few of the best...

So as good as the show was... it could have been better had the bands who REALLY are talented and REALLY deserved the award had won... and WHAT is WITH the BACKSTREET BOY NOMINATION?!! Lost on me. That was the dumbest thing I could have ever seen.... VERY glad they didn't win....

Anyway... that's my take. Newfoundland is a fabulous place... I'll retire one day to a small house on the coast in Twillingate... I'll paint seascapes for the rest of my days, or something...

Take pictures... and sell them to people who have never seen the sea... only ever seen one shade of green... people who believe rocks grow on the side of their street.

I'll paint and take pictures... and I'll keep the beauty for me.

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