Shoe elves... 2002-01-24 10:09 p.m.

I have confidences in some people that just won't break. Having a rough go with my health... my body's clock is ticking faintly and turning hands in the wrong direction...

And there are somethings about me I don't care to share with my gp... I don't know... he's new... he's general... he doesn't know me really... doesn't have a speacility.

Specialities this girl needs... Immunology and Sports medicine... I've always been treated by the best...

My first family doctor worked for the Canadian Olympic team... his brother... my surgeon... known as one of the "world's finest" in orthopedics... thanks to him.... I defy the impossile... I walk.

My Chiropractors... both fine men.. one works for the NHL.. the other was a well-known wrestler back in the day... way back in the day... his life made his work... his experiences made him the best.

My neurosugeon... is funny little bald man... very unique man.. very animated man... very much wind and the willow like. He found fame and fortune in his art... he's talented... and ironicly, at my first visit with him, I found out he was my mum's first boyfriend... they were all of seven... he bought her a book when she had the mumps... God, I must really look like her if he saw her in me... 500 kms and 35 years from where they met.

The care in those men... I miss... I need... The magic they have to heal and to fix... to manipulate my skin, muscles, bones and nerves to do things that, my parents were told upon my birth, could never be done...

They moved walls and mountains for me... and with that care... so much better I would be.

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