Somewhere Simcoe 2001-12-14 8:05 p.m.

I wish Blair could meet some of my friends... he says he doesn't like people but I know he'd love them... all of them...

The people I loved in college are the finest people I know... Talia, Tammy, Matt, Dan, Sean, Chris, Vanessa, Malcolm, Devin... to start to name the few...

Dan... How he could just make me roll in laughter and tears... and Matt... who looked at the whole world as a graden of Vegetables.... Swan being a Spud... "Gawd, Man, Listening to this shit is like listening to a Potato speak...." *LOL* Ummm... K, Matt....

About our time at Park Woods (The Estate Billy Madison was filmed at... you know that fountain and stufff... yeah there)... how somewhere in this world is a picture of me... wild-eyes... funky haired... laughing my body to bends... over who knows what...

Devin doing his "Stop Staring at me Swan......" Or what odds...

And of Sean... Talia and her Friend Nick... the whole Sandwich thing... Too funny... Nick was so seriously coming on to Talia.... *LOL* and he made some induendo about sharing her with someone... and she was all "Back off... get your own sandwich..." and Nick insisted it was fine to share the sanwhich... said there was nothing morally wrong... when the sandwich was as good as her... or something... and Sean leans into my ear... "Ummm are we still talking 'bout the sandwich?"

Sean... how I miss playing a game of Darling... I mean winning the game of Darling... if you love me... will you PLEASE PLEASE smile...

Well, Darling, I love you, but I will NOT smile...

and so on... he couldn't keep his face straight... no control that boy... None. So funny...

And Les Linder... Sean remember being there late (on my birthday non-the-less) with Les... and poor Oliver... the casulaity of the war...

How Les said he pitied the people in my life... for my goofiness... and laughter... for my "escentic" sense of humour... Blah blah...

Les was a story maker... a heavy-weight lord knows what who's lived and worked everywhere; a devoute recuit of the Armed Forces of Brunai....

he pittied me... I was so glad for his pity... but by the end of work, he was down on his bionic left knee... begging me stop with the jokes... with Darling... do you love me???? With the insane good humour that so annoyed him... Thanks Les, I so enjoyed that birthday... and if you read this... through your beady glass eyes... sometime between desert treks... send me a note... i wanna say Hi. :o)~

Finesse is hard to find... and you know I find it wherever I go... and the two years i spent mingling among my college friends... were some of the finest days of my life... I think back.. and I laugh... I talk to Tal... and I laugh...

It's too bad we couldn't have just made those years last...

My door is always open... and I am sure I could make room for 40 people in our two bedroom flat.

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