Can't get through 2001-11-05 10:31 p.m.

~I am writing grafitti on your body, i am drawing the story of how hard we tried...

I am watching your chest rise and fall.. like the tides of my life and the rest of it all.... now your bones have been my bedframe and your flesh has been my pillow... I've been waiting for sleep to offer up the deed with both hands....

Now use both hands... no don't close your eyes... use both hands......~

I was reminded the other day, if you've never had a moment that could be summed up this way... you've never really lived love...

And you know I don't hate you... you know I never have... Blame was just easier than not having it my way.

I doesn't matter how I used be... doesn't matter how I am to you now... I live that moment every day... I am in love with something more than a memory... I am in love with a life.

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