Love in Her Eyes & Flowers in Her Hair 2001-10-25 8:36 p.m.

Moments, thoughts and dreams have been very symbolic... to the point it's as if I think them a step before they happen. Maybe I am finally learning how to read my world instead of letting it read me.

My Lover did the greatest thing today. I wonder if he saw me write that sometimes I need to be immersed in song... or maybe he just remembers that was always me, and maybe he's noticed that hasn't been me lately... since I haven't been in the longest time.

Somewhere he found Led Zeppelin's box set in mp3... and he sent it home for me. It's particularly sentimental...since I know he doesn't much like Zeppelin... and he knows I really do...

What he doesn't know is it holds symbolizism for me.. that's a big part of who I used to be and who I am trying to find. It's like a tiny piece of the life I grew from.... It just means a lot.

So thank you, Lover, so reminding me I am not so alone... and that you know me even when I think you don't. And thank you Lover for your patience... and thank you for your touch... and Thank you Lover for this music and the comfort and memories it brings....

~I am standing on the hill of the mountain of dreams telling myself it's not as hard as it seems~

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