Vigils 2009-04-19 10:01 p.m.

I don't listen very well sometimes. Or I'm even more naive than I admit.

Years ago a friend sent me a song... he said nothing about it, just sent it to me, called me a day later from a world away and asked if I heard it yet...

I had and it wasn't until I heard it again today... ALL of this time later that it hit me like a ton of bricks what he was trying to say, and couldn't any other way.

It's a new perspective in life, perhaps. Happiness for once, perhaps. So many tings have changed... I'm not who I was. I don't want now what I did then... I'm not sure what made me see it so clearly now nor what kept me blind before this...

- I'm wading in deeper ever deeper as I go
I drown the whole idea as I drift away from you
It's only and imaginary vigil that we keep
You salvage what you need I'll take the love you leave. -

Oh the choices that we make... and the roads in which they lead.

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