A reason not to read 2008-01-14 12:56 p.m.

Remind me never to be one of those mothers who reads baby books and lives by them like gospel.

I see so much ridiculousness amongst mothers of my generation and what they can and cannot feed their babies and when.

Call me old school.... but I still believe in basic fundamentals. If your child has teeth, he can chew. Sure you might not want to sit him down with a plate of Schezaun beef, but I really don't think a plate of spaghetti noodles will kill him at 11 months old... and it quite frankly seems ridiculous to me to hold your child back from food if he's curious and he has the mechanics to eat it. Am I wrong?

And please do NOT give me a schpiel on food allergies and early food introduction. How many kids of our generation have food allergies compared to the number of the kids we are having with food allergies? Someone do a study PLEASE!

I give you all permission to slap me if I become a mother like that...

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