I resolve. 2007-01-02 7:17 p.m.

This year I resolve to be a poorer friend than I usually am.

I reserve the right to be as selfish as the company I keep.

No more putting 210% of myself into a friendship that I get so little out of. No more answering late night phone calls from the broken-hearted, the stoned, the drunk or the dumb.... No more free advice... no more "It's ok, baby, I forgive you and I love you anyway..." the fact that I will is neither here no there... but I noticed over the years that the more you tell friends you'll be there unconditionally... the more they try to test it.

I am going try the common route... and I fear becoming ordinary... but I hear that the standard of friendship I keep, exceeds what people are willing to give and but isn't quite high enough for what they need.

I can't win.

May 2007 bring me peace.

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