Happy Easter 2006-04-16 11:35 a.m.

There isn't anything more enjoyable... balancing... than waking up to Easter with your husband... not having a single egg to find, or a single chocolate to eat... but waking up to him just the same... and rushing to McDondald's for a quick breakfast drive-through... coming home and eating it together in a near nude state.

Our life as dorks has been reduced to everything being "This is our first {whatever, but today it was Easter} married..." and "this will be our last {whatever, but today it was Easter} in this house...."

We enjoy it... the idiot things we say still in the state of honeymoon... We enjoy simplicity... and much to my surprise... everything is better when you're married... I was told, but I thought it was just what people say to console their loss of freedom... but no, it's true...

Even chocolateless Easters... at one point it would have saddened me... today makes me smile...

Life is grand... today...

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