And they're stupid too 2006-02-07 6:57 p.m.

I hate dumb people... and I know I was warned, but I hate them just the same.

I'm proud of myself for keeping it cool... though she didn't think I was... *haha* As she her steam flew high... she says:

"I don't see how yelling at me is going to make it easier!"

"Oh, I'm not yelling yet, my dear, but it is coming. And you NEED to be told."

"Well I had to fire everyone in my office yesterday..."

"*haha* Good. They're all dumb. But why, exactly should I care? How is your staffing issue my problem?"

"Well the girls I fired they were dealing with your stuff."

"Ok... still not seeing how it's my problem."

"It's not."

"No it isn't but still you're making it mine."

All this over a stupid fucking package that they should have been courteous enough to deal with properly. A simple phone call... that would have done. A girl with even a hint of intelligence... would have maybe gotten them through...

I can't say I wasn't warned.

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