Wal - war. 2005-10-22 10:52 p.m.

I thought better of a boob job... I exchanged the top... but i still feel it would have been less hassle to go for the knife.

While standing in walmart this moron and his kid push their way to get to where they want... and int he mean time violently shoved me to the side. Because they can.

Apparently I was in between where they were and where the wanted to be, I guess I should have known better.

The girl at the till says rather kindly to Mr. Moron. "That girl was ahead of you sir."

"Yeah well I was here first. I just came to went to grab an exchange..." blah blah blah blah...

He turns to me... for sympathy maybe... maybe for an understanding look. I don't know. He doesn't know me. That's obvious.

I called him a dick instead.

"What did you CALL me?!"

"I said you're a fucking dick. You're exactly the kind of person that makes us ALL HATE shopping here. Hurry up so you can leave!"

The advantage to being a very small female, admittedly fairly cute... I don't get punched in the gob by strangers.

I'd like to be able to tell you that this is only the first time I've been a mouthy bitch in public... but it's not. Ask the bottle boy at Provigo back home... I bet he remembers me ripping my shirt open to welted ribs he caused by smashing into me with a cart... and how I called him a prick in front of all his bottle boy friends...

He doesn't work there anymore.

Or the mother in Winners who let her kid run wild around the store... and by cause stepped on my broken foot. She wouldn't apologize. She didn't step on my foot. She didn't like being told that she should be parent enough to accept responsibility for her kids... or she should have a leash for her beast or maybe just have never had kids.

Yeah, it's not my best quality. But I hate stupid people...

I got to the truck and said to B... "what are people teaching their children?! That being that RUDE is ok, because if you do it in public you'll get away with it...."

and then I thought... well, what really did I teach his child? I guess what I said wasn't any better in the end... except that being a dickhead just because you can... doesn't always work. And maybe he'll remember the time someone stood up to his father and his father, for once couldn't do anything.

I sit back and do nothing a lot of the time.... but sometimes... the Aries in me can't let it be.

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