We Can Write It Down...
Or Obliterate It

2001-12-31 - Nothing Felicity about me
2001-12-30 - The armies you have created...
2001-12-29 - I Like the way it looked on my face
2001-12-24 - For a Girl I know it's judgment Day
2001-12-24 - once upon this midnight....
2001-12-23 - Monochrome
2001-12-22 - Pain and oddity... make me
2001-12-22 - Three days... and I wonder
2001-12-21 - Friday's Breeze
2001-12-19 - Cul-de-sac
2001-12-20 - Man vs mind
2001-12-18 - RainMaker
2001-12-19 - And the end of this Bar
2001-12-17 - Little yellow tags on everything
2001-12-17 - The obvious turned out to be true
2001-12-16 - A joke gone too far
2001-12-15 - Chained to Faith
2001-12-14 - Somewhere Simcoe
2001-12-12 - Paris of the Prairies
2001-12-11 - Glitz
2001-12-11 - Lukin
2001-12-09 - Down a Long Dirt Road...
2001-12-09 - Living Reflection... and a Dream
2001-12-07 - The weight we bear
2001-12-05 - Screaming Out MacBeth!
2001-12-05 - another day to come and go
2001-12-06 - Shadows of the sun
2001-12-03 - Sand is Grey
2001-12-03 - Unplucked Gems
2001-12-26 - Frenzy
"We said we must be friends or die... we've died a thousand times since then."