We Can Write It Down...
Or Obliterate It

2004-02-29 - fun n' games
2004-02-28 - poor and smiling
2004-02-26 - white on white
2004-02-25 - true
2004-02-23 - Heart of Gold
2004-02-22 - debrief
2004-02-19 - session
2004-02-18 - shouldn't we?
2004-02-17 - tired mind
2004-02-16 - ease
2004-02-14 - all heart
2004-02-13 - signing
2004-02-12 - A Valentine's note.
2004-02-11 - simple things
2004-02-10 - down like Jimi
2004-02-08 - no return
2004-02-07 - Drunk
2004-02-06 - image of me in a-b-c
2004-02-06 - straight
2004-02-04 - lay it down
2004-02-03 - line up...
2004-02-02 - look at my face.
2004-02-01 - The box
"We said we must be friends or die... we've died a thousand times since then."