We Can Write It Down...
Or Obliterate It

2003-11-30 - rearview mirror
2003-11-29 - not ok
2003-11-29 - sloth
2003-11-28 - outta me.
2003-11-27 - Wounded
2003-11-26 - the circle of suffering
2003-11-25 - crooked
2003-11-24 - fat
2003-11-24 - pretty thing.
2003-11-23 - death by body weight
2003-11-22 - My oh my
2003-11-21 - curly q's
2003-11-20 - brown
2003-11-20 - media
2003-11-19 - semi-relief
2003-11-18 - I can't stop
2003-11-18 - underated.
2003-11-17 - it never ends
2003-11-16 - cut out
2003-11-16 - Bachman
2003-11-15 - Live and let learn
2003-11-15 - Christmas is almost here
2003-11-14 - soft lines
2003-11-13 - still
2003-11-13 - not
2003-11-12 - flu
2003-11-12 - canker-whore
2003-11-11 - Idiot...
2003-11-10 - I'll remember this
2003-11-09 - my thoughts what are those?
2003-11-08 - privileged
2003-11-07 - And it began that way
2003-11-06 - head aches and fun
2003-11-05 - She's perfect for you.
2003-11-05 - Dying young
2003-11-04 - 4x6
2003-11-03 - shake
2003-11-03 - Cut up Maria
2003-11-02 - in the cold night
2003-11-02 - by reason
2003-11-01 - sex tv
2003-11-01 - bands.
"We said we must be friends or die... we've died a thousand times since then."