We Can Write It Down...
Or Obliterate It

2003-09-30 - three cycles
2003-09-30 - back and going
2003-09-29 - torn down
2003-09-29 - sick again and still
2003-09-28 - at twelve
2003-09-27 - sneezer
2003-09-26 - Funny in flattery.
2003-09-26 - said
2003-09-25 - I couldn't shut it... not for love or money
2003-09-24 - job
2003-09-23 - 800
2003-09-22 - hind sight
2003-09-22 - I won't stay this way
2003-09-22 - mood
2003-09-21 - graves.
2003-09-20 - stand down
2003-09-16 - war
2003-09-16 - To paint
2003-09-16 - dusted
2003-09-15 - snow and sulphur coils
2003-09-15 - I am a bitch.
2003-09-14 - Winsor
2003-09-13 - Hiding in leaves
2003-09-13 - It is not
2003-09-12 - Job sucks
2003-09-11 - reality in haze
2003-09-10 - Smile and shine
2003-09-10 - Dreams, problems, dreams
2003-09-09 - The Human Stain
2003-09-08 - rash
2003-09-08 - world
2003-09-08 - world
2003-09-07 - Shockley is gone
2003-09-07 - the order - in order.
2003-09-06 - yellow
2003-09-05 - Hair....
2003-09-04 - The ocean is grey...
2003-09-03 - gold in my pocket
2003-09-02 - The artist formal known as....
2003-09-02 - sad
2003-09-02 - astound
2003-09-01 - Puppy Love
"We said we must be friends or die... we've died a thousand times since then."