We Can Write It Down...
Or Obliterate It

2003-07-31 - Steven
2003-07-30 - wrap up
2003-07-30 - roaches
2003-07-29 - quickly... I never forget
2003-07-29 - regrets
2003-07-28 - rundown
2003-07-27 - burning
2003-07-26 - webcam
2003-07-25 - needles and things
2003-07-24 - The war is what killed me.
2003-07-23 - overcome
2003-07-22 - Some days
2003-07-21 - heads together
2003-07-20 - broken
2003-07-20 - gifts
2003-07-18 - winter's dream
2003-07-17 - crackled flesh
2003-07-16 - awake
2003-07-16 - pinned
2003-07-15 - tough
2003-07-14 - Canfor
2003-07-14 - down with the sickness
2003-07-14 - bolt
2003-07-13 - Peeing peter
2003-07-13 - ring
2003-07-12 - knackered
2003-07-11 - 20 pound bond.
2003-07-10 - Bitch.
2003-07-10 - deep
2003-07-09 - Dead man
2003-07-08 - the slant
2003-07-08 - first breath
2003-07-08 - hairshirt
2003-07-07 - meander
2003-07-06 - Mummy
2003-07-06 - jump
2003-07-04 - Confessions
2003-07-03 - tracks
2003-07-03 - sleep and birthdays
2003-07-02 - working late tires me
2003-07-01 - Not much I can say about it...
2003-07-01 - Random thoughts
2003-07-01 - Canada en F�te
"We said we must be friends or die... we've died a thousand times since then."