We Can Write It Down...
Or Obliterate It

2003-01-31 - Today
2003-01-30 - not deserving
2003-01-29 - stuck in the side
2003-01-28 - sleep
2003-01-27 - I saw you then
2003-01-26 - One cannon down
2003-01-25 - cuts like teeth to my skin.
2003-01-24 - Sundays are missed.
2003-01-23 - I'll give nothing
2003-01-23 - pieces like metal spun
2003-01-22 - Muttled
2003-01-21 - stuck in the middle alone
2003-01-20 - Glow Bum
2003-01-20 - Long days
2003-01-19 - medusa
2003-01-17 - Judas
2003-01-15 - One night come and gone
2003-01-14 - smoke and mirrors
2003-01-13 - ache
2003-01-12 - snow and cold
2003-01-12 - layout isn't behaving as it should.
2003-01-12 - waist deep
2003-01-10 - pedestal
2003-01-09 - Sean
2003-01-08 - apart at the seams
2003-01-07 - Rock-a-bye baby
2003-01-06 - 15 degrees
2003-01-05 - words.
2003-01-05 - boy
2003-01-04 - Invasive
2003-01-02 - ties that bind
2003-01-01 - lines set thick
"We said we must be friends or die... we've died a thousand times since then."