We Can Write It Down...
Or Obliterate It

2001-08-01 - man
2002-06-30 - Moving me along
2002-06-29 - Spectrums
2002-06-28 - Evian
2002-06-27 - Ocean spray
2002-06-26 - ~deep in.... slow out~
2002-06-24 - Devil Inside
2002-06-24 - Moses and Elye
2002-06-23 - Breezes that blow
2002-06-23 - Breezes that blow
2002-06-20 - Caster and Pollux
2002-06-18 - Violet
2002-06-17 - Tired crazy
2002-06-15 - It's dark and it's quiet
2002-06-13 - Tangled
2002-06-13 - Turn the world to Black
2002-06-11 - Elves
2002-06-11 - Up to my neck
2002-06-11 - Wait and you'll see
2002-06-09 - Azzurri
2002-06-09 - Decay Productions
2002-06-08 - DayforNight
2002-06-08 - Superman's Dead
2002-06-07 - Peek through
2002-06-06 - Otherside
2002-06-06 - Spiked
2002-06-06 - In angst I wait
2002-06-05 - Rue Principale
2002-06-05 - Ta
2002-06-04 - And the girls say
2002-06-04 - For some it rains
2002-06-03 - My Time of Dying
2002-06-02 - Casper
"We said we must be friends or die... we've died a thousand times since then."