Contrast material 2006-06-02 10:33 p.m.

I went for my CT... it was pretty well one of the most horrific accounts of recent times. I waited for two and a half hours only to have an IV when I got in there. I didn't sign up for that. I HATE IVs.

The horror had just begun. The IV was so they could inject dye into my veins... making the vessels in my brain "glow" during the scan... only this shit was like acid up my arm... and it instantly went to my kidneys... where it lit a torch of fiery flame....

The tech injects me and says "pretty soon you'll feel warmth near your bladder. It'll be like you have to pee, but please don't pee."

Ok, perhaps someone should have asked me how my bladder was doing before injecting me with "make you pee" juice... I would have said then... that I can't hold my pee-er from peeing for more than a couple minutes at a time this week. When I have to go, I HAVE TO GO.

So I have to lay uncomfortably on my stomach with my head titled up and I cannot move a smidge. If I do, I ruin the scan, pull out my IV and have to do it all again.

My kidneys are screaming and I'm going to piss myself... when the fire crawls up my body to my throat and lights its flame there.

I don't panic.
"Yeah, so my throat is burning BADLY."

"Your throat? It shouldn't burn there. Are you having trouble breathing?"

"A bit."

Quickly she finishes the scan... pulls me out, rolls me over and pulls out the IV. Blood spurting everywhere, very lovely... and she says. "Better?"

"Not so much."

Now, six hours later, the inside of my throat is STILL warm and it feels tight... swallowing is hard. My thighs are hot... I have a welt on my left arm... and I'm so exhausted. The flame in my bladder and kidneys is subsiding a little... but it really didn't help my cause any.

Jesus... and I was dreading the ultrasound.

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