the days events... 2006-03-27 10:43 p.m.

This morning started with a kiss, breakfast and tea in bed... a snuggle... a card... the first "to my wife on her birthday..."... presents. A ladybug cell phone cover and a treadmill. Maybe I'll start running again... that would be nice.

Then, work... with a box of chocolates and a fabulous picture frame... tea, more chocolate and goodies... and a whole day without an extra hand... as my sidekick is off sick for who knows how long. That's ok... as long as he gets well.

Mum called... I got my Ralph cheque... delivered to Montreal - because that makes sense.

For lunch B took me out and we sat quietly for an hour... had a nice lunch and laughed at how people keep telling him he looks like Ashton Kutcher. *haha*. He doesn't.

When I returned, my friend's husband brought me Timmy's and my friend brought in her baby. I'm in love with that baby. I could snuggle him to no end. He's complete joy...

After work... I came home to a nap... and the 20 roses (yellow with red edges, very pretty) that my father-in-law gave me yesterday... I smiled...

I can breathe and not want... breathe and not question... I can be me and be loved... I'm liking simplicity. For being basic, and for being lonely... it was a great birthday.

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