Good Ties 2005-12-09 10:38 p.m.

Christmas reminds me of friends. People to be thankful for. Good ties.

There is a group of us from highschool - a large group of us and we've all stayed very tight. I was the first to move away... but I haven't been a stranger to them at all. I haven't seen them since Christmas of 99, but we still keep in such close touch that I know what each of them is doing... and the effort isn't solely mine. We tend to take our bond for granted... but it's unique in its right.

Within the group one of the guys and I were constantly at war. He'd beat me up... tease me... mock me... fight me... he'd do anything to get my hair standing up on a daily basis... and everyday I miss that. But don't tell him. He's grown up...but the few times we've seen eachother since, we still mocked... and poked and argued. It's in our nature.

Christmas of 99 I guess was the last time I was in his company. We had dinner at a friend's house... he arrived and it was big hugs and kisses... as a group, we're sort of a cuddly bunch... and girls are always tucked in amongst the boys... sitting close, legs over legs... holding hands and linking arms... yeah like a bunch of preschoolers in their 20's.

Well that was he and I that night... and odd for us since out of the bunch, if we were touching, it was usually in attempt to make the other bruise or bleed.

I remember this well - it seemed so unlike us, but still so comfortable. He was as he always was... in his Levis and a t-shirt... smelling like soap for sensitive skin... his eyes calm and blue... I was to his right... leaning half my body on Amanda and my legs draped over his.

The smell of blueberry crisp in the kitchen and all my best friends talking and laughing around me... the moment was perfect.

I snuggled into B a little more... close and tight... and he instinctively lifted his arm to let me in... snuggled in to fill the gap and sighed - though he wouldn't admit it - in the comfort and sweetness of a moment that had marked that we'd grown up. The war was over...

"B... do you like blueberries?"

"Yeah..." he smiled his smile that could stop traffic. He's very kid-in-a-candy-store-like and it's a wonder we never got along better... I guess our meeting sealed our fate but that's a whole other story for another night....

"Would you like some blueberry crisp?"

"I would LOVE some!" I could hear his belly rumble in thought. He snuggled me closer...

"Great... when you get up to get yourself some, bring some for me too, yeah?"

His face went straight... I could feel his heart sink a little. But he rubbed my legs with one hand and with the other he softly moved my head towards his... he leaned into me...

"What's wrong with you, Baby, are you a criplette?"

That was his dig... it was ALWAYS his dig. Mocking me about my body.

I couldn't resist... without missing a beat I laid my slimey tongue the length of his face... from jaw bone to temple... His face crunched up in utter disgust... and I smirked.

"Yeah, I might be..." I giggled as he got up to wipe his face.

Nevertheless in moments he handed me a warm bowl of crisp... and halfway through he laughs... "Oh, baby, I spit in that."

And I know he did.

That's us... and I wonder now if we'd be different. We chat now and then on msn... and he's apologized a million times for being cruel. I've apologized for my part in our war... and we laugh a fair bit about how we used to be...

Something tells me, we'd still be the same... that it's in our genes and in the code of our friendship to treat each other like dirt... but we always stay true... and we know at heart that we love each other deeply....

I know he'd saw off his arm for me if I needed it... and he knows *haha* at the last minute I'd tell him I needed a leg.

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