Kitty, I need some energy please. 2005-12-01 11:11 p.m.

I need my bed... and I need some zest. I hope it will find me in my sleep... or I hope the cat finds it when he's prowling the night... and brings it to me.

He brings me everything else... pens, and garbage and pieces of scrap plastic neither B or I can figure out where it's from... sometimes he brings me his favourite toy mouse called Gordo... sops it up with his foul kitty spit and then drops it next to my face... he'll meow and nudge my face until I wake... and I'll moan in regret that I ever bought him the stupid mouse to begin with.

The chances of him finding "zest" are good, when I think of all the other weird shit he finds in the wee hours...

Let's hope...

I wish I had my cat's midnight spunk... and I wish I could be as carefree and full of purry love as he is.

He's kinda like that one teddy bear we all had as a kid... the teddy that would make a tired day better... only his heart beats and he breathes... and when I've lost interest he bites until I'm back in the game.

Hey he's still a cat, afterall, and it is all about him.

I'm telling him now he needs to bring me "energy" in my sleep... he's looking at me like I'm crazy.

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