Five years strong... 2005-11-29 7:19 p.m.

I hurt... but I don't know if I've ever been in a better mood anyway. Somedays life is just good enough to overcome the pain... other days, the pain wins.

It's been 5 years since I moved... and though it isn't an actual anniversary for Blair and I we celebrate it as such anyway.... (I use the word "celebrate" loosely...) In the past we've done very small gifts for eachother, made cards... that sort of thing, but let's face it, after five years, a house, a cat and a diamond ring, we don't really care anymore about the petty things in our life... he doesn't feel the need to buy me a dozen roses on this day, and frankly couldn't give a fuck if he forgot about it altogether.

But, this morning on his way out he popped his head into the shower for a kiss.... it's common ritual around here in the morning, but as turns to leave the bathroom he says "Oh, and Beautiful, I'm buying you dinner tonight..."

I would tell you all about it, but I think certain percious moments deserve to stay precious between us... and I won't forget the humour in where we went and why... it was simple... and great... and thoughtful... and reminded me that is why I love him...

He's simple... and funny in his own way... and just when I think he hasn't made me laugh in a while.... he makes my sides ache with laughter the whole night...

It's why we're meant to be together until we die... we're the two most real people in the world. We have everything by the reigns... I know we were doubted at first, and once or twice along the way... but if there is one thing I always know... it's what I'm doing when I'm doing it... I knew from the day I saw his face that he was meant to be my husband... and that no girl will ever love him more. I know these things...

And tonight I thought about our life beyond... in three months, in six... in a year and in twenty... I know it will work... the greatest part about us is our reality... our simplicity... and the way we laugh stupidly together in the car... if only few or far between.

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