A letter... 2005-07-08 6:06 p.m.

A letter from a friend.... persepective again.

~So this was my yesterday, and I couldn't tell you last night because my head was still spinning from the maddness.

I was sleeping nicely in my flat only minutes walk from Russell Square when I was woken up by and incredible bang.

First know that the neighbor in the flat beside me is doing a lot of home renos and I really don't think he knows his ass from a whole in his wall on his best days. So naturally I thought he'd been hurt or that something was going to come flying through the wall into mine.

I get up all asleep and naked and run down my stairs to my front door ready to smash his door in to either save his life or kill him (all while trying to at least get underware on). I open my door to fire brigades and emergency vehicles ripping past, smoke rising, debris flying high in the air and people screaming "we've been bombed!"

I stood there, scratched my head (my hair is growing nicely btw) and tried to process it all, standing on the street with all my neighbors - being the only naked one at that.

BOMBED?! I paniced. I flew back into my flat, up my stairs and to my safe. I made sure I had money in one grab if I needed it. I found my passport, VISA, my birth card and tucked it all into the band of my underware. I had no idea what was going on and I wasn't sure if someone was going to pound down my door.

I also didn't know if having ID on me was a good thing or not, but I figured everyone loves Canadians. As long as I could prove I'm Canadian.

I didn't think it was a bus. Like many people I thought it was an attack on the country. After the excitement from the Olympic news it would have been t he best opportunity to get the English afterall.

After I could clear my head a bit, I turned the tele on and heard what was going on. It didn't make me feel any better. I called my mother and then my father and then I called Pam at work to make sure she and her little one were ok. I called a couple of my friends. I called the secretary at my office. She wasn't in.

I met Pam at a shop a between her work and my home. We picked her kid up from the nursery and we hung out at her place and watched tele most of the day being very thankful we were all ok.

Then, I came home to let you know I was fine. I'm sorry I took so long, I hope you didn't spend your whole day worrying.

I couldn't sleep and I didn't get to bed till early this morning. It wasn't until then that I finally put my documents back in the safe.

I really hated yesterday. It made me want to come home.

I miss you, friend. I'm glad you're home with Blair where I know you'll always be safe.


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