What am I? 2005-07-03 9:17 p.m.

My favourite whore of a friend went to Live 8 at Hyde Park... All he had to do was bat his lashes and wag his tail and his friend took him.

*haha* Yes, I'm bitter about it.

One funny though, T... is that I was talking to Davy about you... and I was going to explain who you are and he goes... "T... yeah, we used to talk sometimes...."

hahahaha Wow... your insomnia is a real problem for me.

And with another friend we had a conversation about public opinion...
And do we care what people think of us and how we look? Do we care if they think we're pretty? Do we know what they think of us?

I don't really know. I know people look. But if it's because I limp, or because I'm tiny, I don't know. I've had a few people come up and tell me what they think... mostly in a creepy sort of flattering way, but generally I don't know.

Do you ever wonder when you're out with your other if people think "what's he doing with her?" or "Wow, she could do better" (that wouldn't be my case, my boyfriend's pretty cute). Or are you so average, that no one notices you at all?

I'm going to start studying expression... why not, I have nothing better to do.

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