Intertwined 2004-12-30 7:31 p.m.

It's been a whirl-wind week... or so it feels. Intertwined in happiness is this lead weight of hate... hating what I do... hating the people I work with... hating that I can be taken advantage of... hating that I have no worth to them... but if I ever left I'd suddenly become invaluable. Maybe I should leave.

In the midst of excitement is the grey of decision...

I'm always amazed at how people are so affected by the choices others make.

I want to runaway and be married. I have a very large family... my wedding day is for ME and not them... but already so they all know we're going to be wed, so they all know that we're planning on doing so on a beach and ALREADY... four days with the ring... I have people telling me that I'm "robbing" my friends and family of memories.

That's the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. Why am I suppose to give a fuck?

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