crooked 2003-11-25 10:09 p.m.

I puked my spine crooked...

Well, ok it was crooked before the flu... but I managed to puke so violently I twisted a vertebra... ummm sideways like.... and that is why my body fucking hurts and I am swollen from the boobs down.

Ahhhh... it only took a 30 min drive to the next hospital at 5 pm to find out the doctor wasn't in until 8 pm to tell me I needed a back film... to get that... and wait again to see him... to write me a prescription for drugs and therapy... and back home again to fill the order... now home at 10 pm.

I suppose that isn't so bad... had I gone to the hospital here I would have waited three hours to see a doctor and I'd have to go back in the morning for my back films.... and if I was in Montreal... I would have waited closer to 12 hours just to see a doctor...

I shouldn't really complain... I am just tired.

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