I won't lift my skirt 2002-05-03 9:31 p.m.

Eleven hours at work today.... a long last day for a week that seemed wouldn't end.

On my way to work each day I pass this sog-hole bar... most mornings it's quiet there...

Tuesday on my way to work, I found my feet in a puddle of blood right outside the bar's main door... enough to gross me out all week.... I don't handle blood well... the smell, the sight... the thick coagulating texture... makes me so sick. Having it all over the bottom of my Roos did NOTHING for my Tuesday...

I managed to make it the rest of the week without incident... and today a stranger did a very nice thing for me... he was walking towards me, a half a block from the bar... He asked if he could walk me past the door. "There are two drunks slumped outside there... and they bothered me... so..."

I don't know this guy other than to pass him now and then on my way to work... say good morning... and share a smile. I thought it was more than kind of him to take a minute and get me past problem free... sure enough these guys were drunk and wide mouthed... and the guy was right... sadly... who knows how brave they might have been, I had I walked past them alone.

Maybe I have "hassle me" tattooed somewhere I don't know about... but the general rule is... it happens... not so often as of late... but my past is filled with a wide range of bizarre encounters...

From a man at a concert who wanted to add me to his "collection" of... of I am not sure what and never asked... to Crazy a guy named Carlos who tried to convince himself and a security guard that he knew my friends and I.... when he was just some guy named Carlos on a crowded festival street... That also tends to stand out as one of the funnier moments as well... the mayheim of three girls... five guys and a security guard trying to keep the boys away from us. Nice security guard... he should get a medal... for patience if nothing else.

The night after Carlos, incidently... I somehow found an old man in a crowd with "needs". Luckily for me... a guy standing nearby heard me scream and noticed this older man whose body was pressed oh-so-tightly to the back of mine... was baring a little too much skin.

He ended up punched in the face a number of times... and he ran off before anything deserving could be done.

Crimes in crowds... that how it goes I guess. And he was an extreme...

Other than that... just the ususal stupid boy versus girl thing... the hands... the looks.. the whistles... the drinks... the odd kiss without permission, from complete strangers thing...

And nothing of that sort lately. I am trying to avoid those things altogether.... Reason number one you won't find me in a crowd standing still.. or jumping around on a dance floor... it's a breeding ground for creeps...

Even with a boy, I am convinced I am never safe.

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