Survey says... 2002-04-06 8:56 p.m.

1. What facial feature do you find the most attractive on others?
The overall structure counts... not one thing... but all the little things create the perfect beauty... wide set eyes... and lips from ear to ear are not attractive at all.

2. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?
I am not American... so no... and this Canadian doesn't vote anyway

3. Would you marry for money?
For money? No... and I know a LOT of you are doubting that. But bite me.

4. Have you had braces?
I need them... I don't know what I am waiting on really... money.

5. Do you pluck your eyebrows?
all the time

6. Do you ever cut or hurt yourself?
Never inetentionally... I try to avoid bleeding.

7. When was the last time you had a hickey?
Funny, my boyfriend asked me that today... It's been a while... and I want it to STAY that way. Marks do not disappear easily... one of the downfalls to bad blood.

8. Could you live without a computer?
I did when I was in Newfoundalnd... so I guess that is a yes.

9. Do you use ICQ, AOL Buddy list etc...?
I have ICQ, yahoo and Msn....

10. If so, how many people are on your list(s)?
Lots on each... most friends from home...

11. If you could live in any past time period, which would it be?
I have no idea... one with electricity... running water... the accessiblity to all the things I need... Really I don't know.

13. Do you wear shoes in the house or take them off?
I take them off....

14. What is your favorite fruit?
Berries... peaches....

15. Do you eat wheat bread or white?
wheat mostly. I don't eat much bread.

16. What is your favorite place to visit?
Quebec City.... It's old... and it's beautiful. I like going home... and I like the Rockies.

17. What is the last movie you saw?
Hard Ball... this morning... silly show about a man who has to coach baseball to get out of debt.

19. Are you photogenic?
Not highly... depends I guess... I have a quick reflex to the flash... so if you can find one with my eyes open... incidently... that's the ONLY reflex I have.

20. Do you dream in color or black and white?

21. Are you wearing fingernail polish?

23. Do you have any dimples?
On one of my cheeks apparently.

24. Do you remember being born?
Um, no.

25. Why do you take surveys?

26. Do you drink alcohol?

27. Did you like or do you like high school?
I loved it... was very sad when it ended... Cried for a LONG time.. Of course that whole time was very trying... some of the worst times in my life... I was never much of a kid. For whatever reason I still can say I loved high school.. still talk to many of my friends from then... Maybe it's them I love... whole heartedly.

28. What is the most beautiful language?
I only speak two.... French is much more beautiful than English..

29. When you are asleep do you like being kissed awake?

30. Do you like sunrises or sunsets the most?
Sunsets are nice here... very purple and orange.

31. Do you want to live to be 100?
I'll never have to worry about that. I won't.

32. Do you think women should be expected to shave their body hair?

33. Do you like salty food or sugary food the most?
Both... an insane amount.

34. Is a flat stomach important to you?

35. Do you or have you played with a ouija board?
definitely had some weird experiences... don't think I'll touch it again. I am a skeptic, but friends and I were playing and it said one of us will die shortly after we turned 20... My friend died 3 months after his birthday.

36. Are you loyal?

37. Are you tolerant of other people's beliefs?
Yes... just don't ever think i am going to jump on your boat... I won't.

38. When you watch movies at home, do you like the lights on or off?

39. Do you believe in magic?
never gave it any thought.

40. Do you have nightmares frequently?
I do... almost nightly.

41. Do you like your nose?
It's kind of buttony... but it's fine I suppose... the only one I have... so.

42. Do you like abstract art?
Yeah... I prefer Impressionism over Expressionism... but I like it still

43. Do you think you can draw well?
Not with a pencil... but I am definitely improving with AI and such... Journalism was a waste of my time.

44. Do you listen to music daily?

45. Do you like to watch cartoons?

46. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?
I think i was eight....

47. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?
I have a black boot fetish... *LOL* I have lots of shoes... only wear a few pairs.

48. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday or do you like a variety?
I usually wear the same pair of black boots i bought for just about nothing two years ago... they leak though, and it's slushy so I am trying to break in one of my many other pairs... it's just a hard habit to break. And I have runners - Roos and sketchers.... I wear them sometimes too.

49. Do you write poetry?
Journalism killed my creative self... so no. I write very little any time... last good thing i wrote was a term paper back in the Spring of 2000.

50. Do you snore?
I think I do... i am asleep... i don't notice.

51. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?
My tummy and sides... might explain my bad back.

52. Would you rather have a poodle or a rottweiler?
A Rottie....

53. Do you lick stamps?
I buy the peely kind.

54. Do you use an electric can opener?

55. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?
I stood in one once... it didn't go anywhere.

56. Which hurts the most, physical or emotional pain?
They coincide.... "If you can feel anything, Mate, you're fine."

57. Do you think balding men should shave their heads?

58. Do you know anyone who is clinically depressed?
I live with her.

59. Do you prefer a piano or a violin?
I don't have a preference

60. Are you a sex addict?
definitely NOT.

61. Do you know someone who has cancer?
I know more than one person with it...

63. Do you hunt?

64. Do you like fast food joints, or expensive restaurants?
I like them both... when it means I don't have to cook.

65. Would you rather visit a zoo or an art museum?
Museum... Animals in Zoos look depressed to me...

66. Do you have a middle name?
Elisabeth... (though it's suppose to be a spelled with a z... they messed up on my birth certificate.)

67. Are you basically a happy person?
is happiness a basic thing?

68. Are you tired?

69. Did you drink anything with caffeine in it today?
Just had a Cafe Mocha

70. Have you ever met anyone off the internet?

71. How many phones do you have in your house?

72. How long is your hair?
It's growing constantly... Kinda short now... but always curly.

73. Do you get along with your parents?

74. What color of eyes do you prefer?
I don't have a preference...

75. Are you a virgin?
*rolls eyes*

76. What medications do you take?
None right now... whooo hooo! expect Advil-liquid gels for the pain.... and b12.... which doesn't really classify.

77. What does your bedroom look like?
Messy... cluttered and very white.

At least this survery killed some of the time... Thanks for letting me steal it.

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